| 1. | On the application of functional equivalence in chinese - english translation 一词的英语翻译为例 |
| 2. | Functional equivalence and cross - cultural advertisement translation 功能等效论与跨文化广告翻译 |
| 3. | Trademark translation : renaming on the basis of functional equivalence 在功能对等的基础上重新命名 |
| 4. | Nida ' s functional equivalence theory and its actual results in translation practice 翻译理论和翻译实践的关系 |
| 5. | On the translation strategies of tourist texts from the perspective of the functional equivalence 以庐山风景区的汉英翻译为例 |
| 6. | Socio - semiotic approach to translation and functional equivalence in chinese idiom translation 从社会符号学翻译法看汉语成语英译过程中的功能对等 |
| 7. | The translation should be in line with functional equivalence and should meet market demands 在翻译过程中应坚持功能对等原则和适应市场需要原则。 |
| 8. | Functional equivalence of quot; three beauties quot; in translation of poetry and translators ' consciousness of receptors 的功能对等与译者的读者意识 |
| 9. | Functional equivalence , hardly gettable for a translator , is positively significant as a translation norm 尽管对译者而言很难实现理想的功能对等,但作为翻译标准,仍有其积极意义。 |
| 10. | The first gives a brief account of nida ' s theory of functional equivalence and its appiication in legal transiation 第一章简要介绍了奈达的“功能对等”理论及其在法规翻译中的应用。 |